The first physical meeting of the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking’s newly composed Scientific Committee took place on 9 December in Budapest, following this year’s SESAR Innovation Days. Elected for a period of four years, the Committee will provide independent scientific advice to the SESAR 3 JU and its governance on all as aspects of the Digital European Sky research and innovation programme, with a particular focus on early technological concepts.
Chaired by Tatjana Bolic, University of Westminster, the Committee is composed of nine highly regarded academics from across Europe, and the ATM and aviation research domains. Collectively, they represent a significant mass of scientific expertise with a wealth of knowledge of the SESAR research and innovation landscape.
Dr. Rosa Maria Arnaldo Valdes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr. Sara Bagassi, Università di Bologna
Dr. Juan Besada, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr. Tatjana Bolic, University of Westminster
Dr. Daniel Delahaye, Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile
Dr. Peter Hecker, Technical University of Braunschweig
Dr. Efstathios Malakis, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority
Dr. Fedja Netjasov, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Dr. Rita Somogyi, Asura Technologies
(taken from the SESAR JU page https://www.sesarju.eu/news/sesar-3-ju-scientific-committee-kicks)