ASDA Series of Tournaments 2017


The series of tournaments 2017 will take place at the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia the day before the SESAR Innovation Days.
The ASDA event will be organised as a tournament of two debate sessions bringing together “coaches” with operational background challenging two groups of experts, scientists representing different disciplines in each session. The topics of the sessions together with the challenges are set by the coaches taking into account the changing environment of Air Traffic Management and taking into account the state of the art of research.
The series of tournaments take place in Belgrade on the

27th November 2017, from 14:00 to 19:00 hrs.

Preliminary headline for the tournament is “Multimodality in transport”, with focus on different topics like Cyber Security and the benefits of applied mathematics (optimisation) for ATM.
Participation in the Event is free for experts and students interested in the topics. Online registration is required. Use the registration page here.